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Our trip to St. Augustine, FL, Iceland, London, and Scotland


In September we had such a whirlwind trip. Ross, Jon and I (June) first started off our paranormal journey going to St. Augustine to the legendary light house. Before the regular public ghost hunt started, we were treated to a private ghost hunt and tour. It is such an amazing place with so much incredible history. We did not get any tangible evidence but we did have some interesting personal experiences.

Our trip then took us to Iceland to Reykjavik, we did a lot more touristy things there but stayed in an old school house that is now an Inn, very cute place, basic beds and shared bathroom. We did manage to go to one of the oldest cemeteries:

I think the highlight of London was going to High Gate Cemetery, such an amazing place and we didn’t even get to see the “OLD” cemetery, but this was incredible:

Then we took a train to Edinburgh. It was AMAZING!! Mark and Aileen live in Scotland and took us to 8 castles AND let us go on an investigation with their group in Glasgow at the Victory Baths which is now a swimming pool. It was such an amazing trip and over too quickly:

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